North 10th Street, A 19th Century Tour

Note: This is the web-based incarnation of a brochure originally published in 1980. While the history is still very valuable, other information may no longer be accurate. Information updated by WayNet will be listed in this orange color.

407 North 10th Street, Richmond, Indiana407 North 10th Street

This structure, believed to have been built in 1863-64 for or by Noah S. Leeds of Vanuxem and Leeds and then the N.S. Leeds and Co., later became the residence of Henry E. Robinson.

Mr. Robinson was born in Richmond on October 10th, 1839, the son of Francis W. Robinson (I). He was educated in Richmond's schools and when the Civil War broke out, he enlisted.

As a soldier in the Fifty-seventh Indiana infantry, which was in the Fifth and Eleventh Congressional districts and was organized in Richmond in 1861, he left the state and reported to General Buell at Louisville, where he was assigned to the sixth division, army of the Ohio, and ordered to Bardstown, KY.  He was involved in the siege of Corinth and moved from there to northern Alabama, then back to Tennessee and took an active part in the campaign against Bragg in Kentucky, being in the battle of Perryville. Illness forced his discharge and upon recovering he went to Indianapolis where he became associated with an express company.  He later returned to Richmond and became a partner with his father in the Robinson Machine Works.  He was made vice-president of the company when it was incorporated in 1889 as Robinson and Company, and when his father died in 1897, Mr. Robinson was chosen president, continuing in that position till his death, January 9, 1909.

The house was razed and the Atlas Underwear Company built a fine structure on the site, now however, it is merely a warehousing facility (Atlas Senior Apartments).



West Side East Side

Text and illustrations © 1980, Old Richmond, Inc.


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Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Did You Know?

Cambridge City, Indiana was once home to a wild west show, headed by Buckskin Ben Stalker.