About Us | Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - November 15, 2015


  • Pam Merchanthouse, President (Friends Fellowship Community)
  • Brad Glover, Vice-President/Treasurer (First Bank Richmond)
  • David Burton (Burton & Simkin Attorneys)
  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Lynn Knight, (Earlham College)
  • Tim Love (Reid Hospital & Health Care Services)
  • Jenie Lahmann (Morrisson-Reeves Library
  • Linda Przybysz (Ivy Tech Community College)
  • Rob Tidrow, Vice-President (Richmond Community Schools)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


  • Randy Baker (Richmond Power and Light)
  • Beth Fields, Secretary (Wayne County Government)
  • Aubrey Blue, Secretary (Cope Environmental Center)

Call to Order:

President Pam Merchanthouse called the meeting to order at 12:10PM in the Board Room at Earlham College, and thanked Lynn Knight for the use of the beautiful facility and the delicious food. Lynn Knight said a few words about the catering and the Earlham Campus.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from September 19th were not linked and available for review. Rob Tidrow motioned acceptance of the unavailable minutes, seconded by Tim Love and the motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Director's Report

Mrs. Holman reviewed the balance sheet, and said we lost several business member but are holding steady with 150 members.

Also, she presented several scenarios to run a more balance budget in 2016. She presented these options and outlined the details. On the financial path Waynet is on, they are supported for at least the next five years if no major changes occur. Ideas were discussed but no plans were finalized. The budget was tabled until the January meeting.

New member: Upland Sports Club, a conservation club and target shooting range.

Memberships cancelled: Pathstone and Hampton Inn.

Mrs. Holman mentioned that the Wayne County Connections had successful tapings at the WCTV Studio.

Lynn Knight motioned approval of the director's report, seconded by Brad Glover and the motion passed unanimously.

A discussion over membership benefits and new memberships occurred.

A meeting will be set regarding communication ideas for new and current memberships. Volunteers for this committee are:  Richard, Pam, David, and Lynda.

It was discussed that the Employment Page on Waynet is a popular page that could help businesses fill employment openings. Pam offered to overview the membership levels over the next 3 months. She will call businesses or HR Managers with job openings or job needs and see how they might fit into Waynet.

The marketing committee would like to work on creating a quarterly newsletter and plan some marketing to boost memberships. It was discussed that the analytics are a good tool to emphasize the impact Waynet could have on their visitor clicks to their websites.

Brad suggested going after the "BIG Fish" for higher membership levels. It was suggested that we picture and/or feature a story a month that shows a current member. Highlight their employer or how Waynet helped their business.  We could start with board members to make this easier.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2016, location to be determined.


Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenie Lahmann, Acting Secretary


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

The first high school orchestra in the nation was established at Morton High School in Richmond, Indiana in 1899 by Joseph Edgar Maddy.