About Us | Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - November 18, 2021

Sally Hutton Community Room, Richmond City Building and Google Meet


  • Jenie Lahmann, President (Morrisson-Reeves Library, InSites Web Design)
  • Bridget Hazelbaker (Richmond Community Schools)
  • Dakota Collins (Earlham College)
  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Tim Love (Reid Health)
  • Karen Seal (Friends Fellowship Community)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


  • Lynn Knight, Secretary (Community Member)
  • Gillis King (3 Rivers)

Call to Order:

President Jenie Lahmann called the meeting to order at approximately 12:05 p.m.

Old Business

The President called for a motion to approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting on September 16, 2021, as presented. A motion to that effect was made by Bridget Hazelbaker and seconded by Richard Peterson. The motion was unanimously approved.

New Business:

The balance sheet was reviewed. Jane Holman informed the Board that the organization ended October with $13,060 on hand.

The 2022 projected budget was reviewed. Jane Holman shared that it was virtually the same as the year before, with a slightly reduced salary for the month of December. Additionally, income will increase due to the new membership of Belden, Inc. Jane further shared that the organization is projected to net $7,349 in 2022.

A conversation followed regarding Jane's planned hours for the following year. It concluded with Jane stating that she was not planning on retiring before the end of 2022 and did not want to increase her hours for the year. Jenie Lahmann tabled the conversation for a future meeting.

After a conversation, Jane and Richard Peterson suggested the Board take action regarding privacy and tracking statements on Waynet.org. Jenie asked Jane to look into the process and language and share her findings at the next meeting.

Jane shared the 2022 Cash Flow Projection, highlighting that the organization is projected to end 2022 with $22,548 on hand.

Jenie suggested that Jane send a monthly email containing recent photos to our members.

Jenie called for a motion to accept and adopt the 2022 projected budget and cash flow. A motion to that effect was made by Tim Love and seconded by Karen Seal. The motion was unanimously approved.

Jane shared the Director's report. She highlighted that during her work for the organization, her personal camera was broken and that repairs were estimated at $400. After some discussion, Dakota Collins motioned that the organization pay the total cost of the repairs, either by direct payment to the vendor or by reimbursing Jane for her expenses. Richard seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.


Jenie called for a motion for adjournment, which was made by Richard Peterson and seconded by Tim Love. The motion was unanimously approved.

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 20, 2022 at Noon. Location: TBD

Respectfully submitted,

Dakota Collins, Vice President
November 22, 2021


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Perfect Circle Credit Union

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More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

Richmond was once known as "the lawnmower capital" because of the lawn mowers manufactured here from the late 19th century through the mid-20th century. Manufacturers included Motomower, Dille-McGuire and F&N.