About Us | Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2021


  • Dakota Collins (Earlham College)
  • Bridget Hazelbaker (Richmond Community Schools)
  • Jenie Lahmann, President (Morrisson-Reeves Library, InSites Web Design)
  • Lynn Knight, Secretary (Community Member)
  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Tim Love (Reid Health)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


Call to Order:

President Jenie Lahmann called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m.

Old Business

Reviewed Minutes from the last meeting: Decenber 17 2020

Call for motion to approve by: Bridget Hazelbaker, Seconded by: Tim Love and approved by Board.

New Business:

The Board asked Jane asked about the work load with reduced hours and whether there were items she is not able to complete. Jane shared she is not taking many new photos. That is because of the reduced hours and not many events are occurring due to the global pandemic. There may be issues with workload when warm weather comes around. Maybe Board volunteers could help. Jane will keep the Board updated as needs arise.

Jenie, proposed to the Board due to Jane's reduced hours that we consider meeting every other month, to help reduce the amount of time necessary for Jane to get ready with reports for the Board meeting every month. It was proposed that the Board meet the third Thursday in January, March, May, August, September, and November at noon.

Call for Vote

Call for motion to approve by: Bridget, seconded by Dakota and approved by Board.

Jenie Lahmann reported that she reached out to Sarah from Three Rivers if she would be interested in being a Board member. Sarah needed to check with work to see if she could get release time to attend the monthly meetings. Jenie Lahmann will now reach out to confirm if Sarah can come to the new meeting schedule.

Balance Sheet Review:

Balance going forward: Jane reported $240 in income, and year end balance forward of $7145.03 in balance forward.

New Board member Bridget Hazelbaker questioned the timing of renewal of memberships, and when it occurs. Jane shared it is a rolling invoicing based on time of signing up for membership.

Jane will send Bridget the membership invoice so that Bridget can make sure it is included in the budgeting for RCS for next year.

Call for Vote

Call for motion to approve by: Tim Love, seconded by: Dakota Collins and approved by Board.

Director's Report

Director, Jane Holman reported some of the outstanding membership organizations were removed for extended non-payment including: Centerstone, Olde North Chapel, Preserve Richmond, Richmond Downhill Racers Club, Richmond Columbian Properties, and Wood Block Press for total of $360. Jane reported Ivytech still outstanding and if not paid by end of month will remove from membership. Richard reported he reached out to Caldwell Banker, but had no reply.

Jane reported that George Philhower will be the on the February show and that Whitewater Television hopes to have a new Producer by February.

Jenie shared her willingness to do the job as well as a couple other library staff and library volunteers. Jane reported Social Media holding steady. Some projects Jane worked on last month: updated copyright, changing web site, updated time project report which is available to Board, and shared the Google log analysis which is available to the Board.


With no further business to discuss, meeting was adjourned at 12:29 p.m.

Next Meeting: Thursday, March 18, 2021 at Noon

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Knight, Secretary
January 21, 2021


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

William Jennings Bryan recorded his "Cross of Gold" speech in Richmond, Indiana at the Gennett Studios in the Whitewater Gorge.