About Us | Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - September 19, 2019


  • Dakota Collins, President (Earlham College)
  • Pam Merchanthouse, Vice President/Treasurer (Friends Fellowship Community)
  • Tim Love (Reid Health)
  • Kate Barber (City of Richmond>
  • Jenie Lahmann (Morrisson-Reeves Library, InSites Web Design)
  • Lynn Knight, (Earlham College)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Rob Tidrow, Secretary (Richmond Community Schools)

Call to Order:

Lunch from Little Sheba's was by furnished by Jenie Lahmann.

President Dakota Collins called the meeting to order in the Community Room of the Richmond Municipal Building.

Old Business

April's minutes will be read at the October meeting.

The minutes for the March 21 meeting were approved, Motion by Tim Love, Seconded by Jennie Lehmann.

New Business

Board approved Rob Tidrow, Richard Peterson, and Jenie Lahmann to continue as Board members. Motion by Pam Merchanthouse and seconded by Tim Love.

New officers for next year were presented and approved. Motion by Kate Barber and seconded by Tim Love.

  • President: Jenie Lahmann
  • VP/Treasurer: Pam Merchanthouse
  • Secretary: Lynn Knight

Jenie Lehmann, assumed position of President for the remainder of the meeting. Jenie acknowledged the good work of Dakota Collins as President. Dakota will continue as an active and appreciated Board member.

Balance Sheet Review

Balance sheet reviewed and approved. Motion by Pam Merchanthouse and seconded by Tim Love.

Jane Holman, WayNet Director, asked if Board wanted to continue practice of including friends of sponsoring members, i.e. Morrison Reeves/Friends of Morrison Reeves. Board agreed that this should be a case by case decision in consultation with the Board.

Kate Barber, presented a proposal to the Board as part of her Not For Profit Certification program she is involved to present to the Board at the next meeting an overview of her findings and recommendations on the finances of WayNet. She will also be bringing information on Program Evaluations for Not For Profits.

Director's Report

Jane Holman asked if the Board wanted to allow Google advertisments more access to our web site. She presented to the Board the proposal that we allow Google access to our cut/copy/paste page. Board approved the proposal.

Jane will bring to the next meeting financial projections for the year.

Jane also reported that the cost of the calendar has increased and that it was less expensive if we paid for the year. The Executive Board approved paying for the year rather than month by month ($37 per month if paid yearly versus $49 if paid monthly). Jane shared that most of her time has been working on the new calendar. All agreed that the new calendar looked better and loaded quicker than the old one.

The Board agreed that for the next meeting we look at our Mission Statement. A Google Doc will be created with the Mission Statement posted, allowing suggested editing by all Board members prior to the next meeting.

A discussion was held about the four open slots on the Board. It was decided to wait until January to bring new members to the Board.


With no further business to discuss, Jenie Lehmann asked for the meeting to be adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Knight, Secretary
Sepotember 19, 2019


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Did You Know?

The first high school orchestra in the nation was established at Morton High School in Richmond, Indiana in 1899 by Joseph Edgar Maddy.