About Us | Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - November 20, 2014


  • Jenie Lahmann, President (Morrisson-Reeves Library
  • Pam Merchanthouse, Vice-President (Friends Fellowship Community)
  • Brad Glover (First Bank Richmond)
  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Randy Baker (Richmond Power and Light)
  • David Burton (Burton & Simkin Attorneys)
  • Beth Fields, Secretary (Wayne County Government)
  • Aubrey Blue (Cope Environmental Center)
  • Tim Love (Reid Hospital & Health Care Services)
  • Rob Tidrow, Vice-President (Richmond Community Schools)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


  • Lynn Knight, (Earlham College)

Call to Order:

President Jenie Lahmann called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon in the Conference Room on the lower level of the Reid Urgent Care Building on Chester Boulevard. Mrs. Lahmann thanked Tim Love for providing the location and also for providing lunch. She also noted a recent press release that Reid Hospital and Health Care now accepts the affordable care act insurance program.

Approval of Minutes

Tim Love motioned approval of the minutes dated September 18, 2014, seconded by Richard Peterson and the motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Director's Report

Mrs. Holman distributed and discussed the balance sheet, noting it was ordinary, with the exception of three pay periods last month. She explained the professional expenses listed and also noted there were two phone bills in one month. Rob Tidrow motioned acceptance, seconded by Pam Merchanthouse and the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Holman reviewed the projected yearly budget for 2015. To balance the budget, she projected the addition of new memberships. The other option would be to increase the costs of current memberships. She said we will need domain renewal, estimated at $37.99. She also suggested upgrading to the $99.00 plan from $59.00 with Carbonite, as it could come in handy if two drives fail. Also, she suggested adding the expense of rack cards and included the expense for a desk that gives the user the ability to stand or sit. Brad Glover asked about past advertising efforts and learned Waynet has typically not done much along those lines. Regarding thanking our current members, we feature them on our website and social media as much as possible. Our renewal rate is probably close to 98%. Richardson Peterson said he would like to see a $40,000 budget, but that would require outreach, and suggested advertising would go hand in hand with membership increases. Mr. Glover asked about value added for the next level up of membership. Jane said it is hard to quantify traffic for a specific site. Mr. Love suggested we highlight the number of visitors in each renewal level. Mr. Peterson suggested we raise printing and adverting by $1000, and have the advertising committee get together.

A discussion took place regarding two hard drives and the need for extra storage and cost. Mr. Glover asked if Drop Box or other options would be affordable and useful, and Mrs. Holman said they won't work. Carbonite is better, and the majority of our archives are photos. Aubrey Blue asked about the $1000 and if it was just advertising or printing, mailing and advertising? Mr. Peterson said for advertising only, and Mr. Burton said we have enough in savings to cover the extra $1000. At this time, board members brainstormed membership opportunities and there is potential for new memberships, and there may be a need to have board members make contact with these potential members. The advertising committee is made up of Aubrey Blue, Richard Peterson, David Burton, Pam Merchanthouse and Jenie Lahmann.

Richard Peterson motioned to approve the budget at $31,671.60, explaining it includes an extra $1000 for advertising and $40.00 for Carbonite. At that time, Mrs. Holman left the room and the board discussed a salary increase. The Board suggested a 3% increase, or $841.70 annually in 2015, noting that increase will impact FICA, etc. Mr. Peterson amended his motion to include a 3% increase, plus costs for fringes. Aubrey Blue seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Mrs. Holman returned to the meeting and presented information on a fee waiver request for Trueblood Child Development Center and she presented the statement of financial income and expenses. A discussion took place rather to allow the fee waiver. Beth Fields motioned to table the request for further information, seconded by David Burton and the motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Holman said the Executive report will be shared via e-mail and since time was running short, suggested board members could review it at their leisure. She mentioned Wayne County Connections recently interview Allen Bourff, and said it was very timely, in light of his recent announcement of accepting another position.


Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Fields, Secretary


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

Fossiliferous limestone of the Ordovician Period in the Whitewater Gorge is 425 Million years old. It is one of only two places in the United States where this type of limestone is exposed to the surface.