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WayNet Director's Report - December 17, 2020


Changes/Additional Fees:

  • (-$ 60) Forgave $60 of United Way's past membership (pre-current Director)
  • (-$ 60) Total Memberships

  • ($0) Total One Time Sales / Donations / Credits

Advertising/Marketing/Community Relations

  • Wayne County Connections TV Show (Viewers directed back to website /Page)
    • Michael taped new show on Wednesday, December 16th with Rebeccan Gilliam of Wayne County Foundation.
    • Eric Marsh is currently looking for a new producer. Michael has recomitted as host.
    • The WC Connections pages received 4 pageviews from 4 users from October 16 through November 19 via Google Analytics.
  • Twitter - we now have 2,450 followers. (Twitter no longer notes total tweets sent.) During October, we had 2,018 impressions, and gained 4 followers.
  • Facebook - 2,001 people "like" our Facebook page, and 2,320 are followers. 77% are female, 22% male.
  • Our Flickr account regularly receives 218 to 3,042 views daily. Occasionally, we will have an anomaly and it bursts up to 20,000+ in one day. Our 17,575 photos have received 5,131,287 views since we joined in 2005. We have 205 followers.
  • Our Instagram account (@waynet_org) has 187 posts, 603 followers and 388 following.

Issues & Projects for November / December

  • Printed new letterhead and processed invoices and envelopes for January. Still need cover letter and stamps.
  • Added a Google Ad to our "How to Cut, Copy, Paste" page to take advantage of the high traffic.
  • Working with the Marketing Dept. at Reid Health to try and figure a way to import their events. - currently in a stalemate 12/2020
  • For health and safety reasons, I have continued doing most of my work from home, going into the City Building once every week or so to check mail and deposit checks via the Library.
  • We are out of letterhead, but since we haven't met to confirm the direction for the organization, I have been printing "letterhead" with my personal color laser printer.
  • Project Hours

Photo Sessions:

Website Maintenance:

  • Slowly reviewing pages for dead/broken links, URL's needing updating.
  • Technical issues:
    • Still searching for fix for "robots.txt" issue that Google is returning for our calendar section. Any help appreciated!

    My To-Do List:

    • Google is updating its analytics. Need to study this and possibly update the code across our website.
    • Website Overhaul - review log analysis, research technical options and trending layouts
    • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
    • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.
    • Prepare & Mail invoices and statements each month, Accounts Receivable
    • Ongoing - Review files for clean up using Screaming Frog SEO spider, DeadLinkChecker and/or Optimizr.com.
    • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program

    Log Analysis

    Current Reports
  • 2019 Reports

    Google Analytics Report for 2019 / Comparison to 2018
    Note: we added a fix for our "https" mid-year 2018, which made Google happier.


  • FacebookYouTubeFlickrTwitter

    WayNet is Sponsored by:
    Reid Health
    We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
    Morrisson-Reeves Library
    City of Richmond, Indiana

    Community Photo

    More Photos:
    Wayne County | WayNet Albums

    Did You Know?

    Weeb Eubank, famous NFL coach who directed the Baltimore Colts to a NFL championship in 1959 and guided the upstart New York Jets and quarterback Joe Namath of the old AFL to the world title in 1969 was a Richmond, Indiana native.