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WayNet Director's Report - June 24, 2020


Changes/Additional Fees:

  • (+$300) ResCare, Inc.
  • (+$300) Total Memberships

  • Donation of All-in-One Computer from Reid Health
  • ($0.00) Total One Time Sales / Donations / Credits

Advertising/Marketing/Community Relations

  • Wayne County Connections TV Show (Viewers directed back to website /Page)
    • Winter/Spring Guests include Dr. Kyle Barrentine, Dr. Todd Terrill, (program retun from 2/2012), Mallory Duncan, Mike Sharp and TL Bosell, Brian Schleeper and Denise Retz, Kristie Ridgeway and Corey DeBoom. Next month's show has been taped and features Joanna Hahn from Levi & Catharine Coffin State Historic Site.
    • The WC Connections page received 91 pageviews from 74 users from January 1 through June 23rd per Google Analytics.
  • Twitter - we now have 2,412 followers. (Twitter no longer notes total tweets sent.) During May, we had 2,341 impressions, and lost 4 followers, after adding 45 since January.
  • Facebook - 1,991 people "like" our Facebook page, and 2,266 are followers. 77% are female, 22% male.
  • Our Flickr account regularly receives 500 to 1,600 views daily. Occasionally, we will have an anomaly and it bursts up to 20,000+ in one day. Our 17,346 photos have received 4,948,218 views since we joined in 2005. We have 205 followers.
  • Our Instagram account (@waynet_org) has 172 posts, 545 followers and 384 following.

Issues & Projects for January - June

  • It's been quite the time! With planned furlough time for January/February/March, it worked well that I was called out of town to care for family during this time period. Then, the COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruption to all area public events. Most of my time worked in March was spent taking events OFF the calendar. I continued to work a reduced schedule until June.
  • For health and safety reasons, I've been doing most of my work from home, going into the City Building once every week or two to check mail. Jenie was kind enough to accept the checks and make sure they got deposited and shared with the bookkeeper.
  • January invoices were run the first week of the year, along with February invoices, which were given to Jenie to mail on Feb. 1st.
  • March invoices didn't go out until the last week in March. April and May were billed in a normal time frame.
  • We are out of letterhead, but since we haven't met to confirm the directior for the organization, I have been printing "letterhead" with my personal color laser printer.
  • Sold usage of 2 image to ECI in February.
  • Upon my return in March, I transfered all daily files to a flash drive that I could use at home and installed Quickbooks on my home system.
  • Kept up-to-date with news releases and cancellations.
  • In May, I went back to working a full week when it came time to switch a sponsoring member's name, logo, links. (West End Bank to 3 Rivers Credit Union).
  • Appeared on The Third Sector, via Zoom interview.
  • Less events = fewer photo oppportunities/time spent on photography, so I have been able to spend some time going through our pages to check and update outdated links, a much-needed action.
  • Add new member, ResCare, Inc.
  • Installed Dreamweaver on new computer, downloaded website files. Still need to transfer Adobe photoshop/lightroom to new computer.
  • Work on Cash Flow Statement/Projection and update board meeting documents.

Photo Sessions:

  • Spring in Wayne County
  • Morrisson-Reeves Library
  • Western Wayne County
  • HolmanPhotos.com shared usage of some photos with WayNet.

Website Maintenance:

  • Slowly reviewing pages for dead/broken links, URL's needing updating.
  • Technical issues:
    • Still searching for fix for "robots.txt" issue that Google is returning for our calendar section. Any help appreciated!

    My To-Do List:

    • Still need to work on transferring data from Access into a Google Spreadsheet so we don't lose the information.
    • Website Overhaul - review log analysis, research technical options and trending layouts
    • Ongoing: Schedule guests for County Connections.
    • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
    • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.
    • Prepare & Mail invoices and statements each month, Accounts Receivable
    • Ongoing - Review files for clean up using Screaming Frog SEO spider and Optimizr.com.
    • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program

    Log Analysis

    Current Reports

    Current Google Analytics Report, compare previous period

    2018 Reports

    Google Analytics Report for 2018 / Comparison to 2017
    Note: we added a fix for our "https" mid-year 2018, which made Google happier.


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    WayNet is Sponsored by:
    Reid Health
    We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
    Morrisson-Reeves Library
    City of Richmond, Indiana

    Featured Member

    Richmond Power & Light

    Community Photo

    More Photos:
    Wayne County | WayNet Albums

    Did You Know?

    William Jennings Bryan recorded his "Cross of Gold" speech in Richmond, Indiana at the Gennett Studios in the Whitewater Gorge.