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WayNet Director's Report - September 20, 2012

Changes/Additional Fees:

  • (+  $60) Added Cardinal Greenway
  • (+ $60) Total
  • Wayne County Connections TV Show (Mentioned as "Producer"/Page)
    • Two Shows, featuring fossils, Clay Township Museum and History Museum & Archives at the Cambridge City Library
    • The WC Connections page received 114 visits in July and 93 in August.
  • Speak to the Golden K Kiwanis on July 25 (35-50, approx.)
  • Twitter - we now have 598 followers.  Have sent 1,385 tweets.
  • Facebook - 372 people "like" our Facebook page, 66.7% are female, 31.5% male. 62.4% are from Richmond.
  • Used 42 hours of Vacation, approx. 25 hours remaining, which will be taken the week of September 24th.
  • Write press release/enewsletter re: WayNet's 15 year anniversary
  • Follow up on copyright infringment issue on one of our photos/assisted by David Burton
  • Participate in Staff Development Day at Morrisson-Reeves Library
  • Content:
    • Update Restaurant information
    • Update Site Map program
    • Update Sponsor location (done quarterly)
    • Update Wayne County Connection
    • Transfer pages to new layout:
      • Directory
      • About Us
      • News
      • Business Directory
      • Not-for-Profits
      • News/Local News
      • Discover Wayne County
      • Find It Fast
      • Knowledge Center
      • Things To Do
        • Sports & Recreation
          • Update Golf - thanks to Bill Pendley!
    • Photos & Videos
      • Chanticleer Quartet
      • State Fair Band Day, assisted by Steve Holman (641 photoset views/1,531 views since 8/10)
      • MRL Extreme Science
      • Back with the Pack
      • Autumn Oaks
      • Heritage Days
      • Canal Days
      • Bake Off & Community Picnic
      • Family Fun Fest
      • Levi Coffin Days
    • Website Maintenance:
      • Update logos, links, as requested.
      • Update Restaurants
      • Review and update page links & calendar events, as necessary. Take photos.
  • Website Overhaul - continue transfering pages to new layout, begin reorganizing folders and files, setup new pages as required for new layout, add auto file transfers to .htaccess as required.
  • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program
  • Ongoing: Schedule guests for County Connections.
  • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
  • Review & update members email addresses
  • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.
  • Prepare & Mail invoices each month, Accounts Receivable

These figures were created by the AWStats program offered online by our web host.  We also track usage with Google Analytics.

Monthly figures are posted on the Top Twenty page.  Current average is 47,459 user sessions per month. Web page views are averaging 244,803. While the montly graph for user sessions appears a bit erratic, if you look closely, you'll notice the users varied by only about 6,000/month - a small percent of our overall total. Our monthly page views dipped slightly. One explanation for our declining numbers is the reduction in visitors to our Turtle page.

2nd Quarter 2012 - Quarterly figures for user sessions dipped a slight 2% from 1st Quarter. Page views increased by 9% in the second quarter, with a 14% increase over the same time period in 2011.

2011 Yearly Figures show a decrease to 604,177 users requesting 2,703,864 pages as compared to 689,268 users requesting 3,146,660 pages in 2010.  This is a 12% decrease in users and a 14% decrease in page views over 2010, when we experienced a 13% increase.

Monthly User Sessions

Monthly Page Views

Unique Visitors

Quarterly User Sessions

Quarterly Page Views

Annual Visitors to WayNet.org

2010 = 689,268, 2012 = 604,177,

Annual Page Views

2010 = 3,146,660, 2011 = 2,703,864,


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Wernle Children's Home

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More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

The highest point in Indiana is located in Wayne County, northwest of Bethel. At 1,257 feet, it is known as “Hoosier Hill”, but that title is a bit ironic.