WayNet's How To Center



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The WayNet How To Center is a collaborative project of members of WayNet.org volunteering to develop a how-to manual. The WayNet How To Center has not been reviewed by trained professionals for it's accuracy, reliability, legality or safety of its instructions. We make no guarantee or warranty that the information in the WayNet How To Center is accurate, legal, reliable, or safe to practice. Always consult a trained professional before following any of the advice you find in the WayNet How To Center. Nothing in the WayNet How To Center should be construed as an attempt to offer legal, medical or other professional advice. Neither the WayNet How To Center, nor the authors, editors, or members can be responsible for your use of information contained in or linked from this site. You must independently verify all information you find on the WayNet How To Center. Use this site at your own risk.


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Did You Know?

Wilbur Wright, co-inventor of the airplane with his brother, Orville, attended school in Richmond, Indiana. His family moved to Dayton, Ohio in June of 1884 just before he would have received his diploma from Richmond High School. The diploma was awarded to him posthumously on April 16, 1994.