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Ebony and Ivory Cabinet

On display at the Wayne County Historical Museum

During the late 16th and through mid 17th Centuries, the region of Southern Italy from Naples southward was under Spanish control.  Spanish influence was evident most notably in the black and white cabinets produced in the Naples area for the Spanish Aristocracy. The severe contrast of black against white suited Spanish Baroque taste, since it was the fashion of the Spanish court to dress in black.

This cabinet was owned by William Dudley Foulke and his wife, Mary Taylor Reeve Foulke of Richmond.

William Dudley Foulke was a prominent person in the political arena of the 1890's - 1930's, serving with Theodore Roosevelt's staff. He was a major influence in Civil Service Reform.

This cabinet was part of their Lugana, Italy villa. Donated to the Wayne County Historical Museum by Mary Reeves Foulke.

Photo: Ebony and Ivory Cabinet at the Wayne County Historical Museum, Richmond, Indiana.

Photo taken December 9, 2005


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Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Man, (Harry Frankel) was the highest paid radio performer in his time. He was a Richmond, Indiana native and retired to Richmond before his death at the age of 60 on June 12, 1948.