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New Bridge over Whitewater Gorge opens on June 28, 2000

The long-awaited opening of the 4th version of a National Road bridge spanning the Whitewater River Gorge was celebrated by both dignitaries and common citizens.

Bridge - Parade LineupGrey skies threatened the festivities as cars lined up to be the first to cross the new bridge.

However, nature cooperated and the rain held off during the ceremonies.
Speeches - Ribbon CuttingA ribbon cutting ceremony was held.
Indiana Lieutenant Governor Joe KernanIndiana Lieutenant Governor Joe Kernan joined us for the event.
-Photo by Chris Hardie.
Mayor Dennis AndrewsMayor Dennis Andrews joined Lt. Gov. Kernan to enjoy the first ride across the long-anticipated bridge.
Antique CarAntique cars from each of the past several decades joined the parade lap.
Antique Car
Antique Car
Antique Car
ScooterAssorted modes of transportation joined the parade lap.
Wheelchair in parade.
Bridge WorkerThose who worked on the bridge stood by to proudly enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Old U.S. 40 Bridge on the National RoadThe new bridge offers a great view of the old National Road Bridge, which is scheduled to be torn down.
Sim Hodgin ParkwaySim Hodgins Parkway now has a new approach and entrance onto Hub Etchison Parkway.
Old Bridge- New Traffic PatternsIt was clear that new traffic patterns will emerge quickly as the old bridge was almost empty within an hour after the new one opened.
Old Railroad TrestleFinishing work will continue as small details and landscaping are completed.

Photos taken June 28, 2000


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Did You Know?

Wayne County, Indiana is home to three universities. Indiana University East, Earlham College, and Ivy Tech Community College as well as two seminaries, Earlham School of Religion [Quaker] and Bethany Theological Seminary [Church of the Brethren].