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Cook Cemetery

Morgan Creek Road, Williamsburg, Indiana
All Listings, Compiled on October 15, 1994
Cook Cemetery, Map

Map # First Name Middle Name Maiden Name Last Name Born Died Age Spouse's Name Marriage Date Parent's Names Children's Names Other
6 Cornelius     Cook   Sept. 24, 1865 73y1m11d Susannah        
3 Esther     Cook   Sept. 7, 1844 85y William        
9 Jane     Cook   Oct. 12, 1850 ?y2m?d     C. & S. Cook    
10 Jesse     Cook   Aug. 5, 1846 15y6m6d     Cornelius & Susannah Cook    
15 Jesse     Cook   Aug. 5, 1846 15y6m6d     C. & S. Cook    
16 John W.B.   Cook   June 15, 1854 2y12d     William & Sarah Cook    
13 Macy     Cook   Aug. 26, 1840 14d     William & Jane Cook    
8 Sarah     Cook June 16, 1816 Feb. 15, 1893            
7 Susannah     Cook   June 12, 1877 82y8m19d Cornelius        
4 William     Cook   Mar. 22, 1844 84y2m5d Esther        
5 G.     G.                
12 Ashley     Johnson   Dec. 11, 1875 50y14d Eliza        
11 Eliza     Johnson   Jan. 8, 1878 50y11m21d Ashley        
14 Jesse E.   Johnson   Mar. 23, 1859 5y9m22d     Ashley & Eliza Johnson    
2 David     Neal May 1849 June 28, 1851       Moses & Polly Neal    
1 Moses L.   Neal   Sept. 3, 1884 Age 71y1m1d Polly   David Neal    
1 Polly     Neal   Feb. 16, 1892 75y5m1d Moses L.   David Neal    

Cook Cemetery Map, Williamsburg, Indiana

We wish to thank Jayne L. Beers who compiled this information on July 9, 1994 and has made it available to WayNet for posting.  While every effort was made to assure accuracy, there may be errors due to the older stones being very difficult to read.

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Did You Know?

Cambridge City, Indiana was once home to a wild west show, headed by Buckskin Ben Stalker.