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Levi Coffin House: Vocabulary


a person in favor of ending slavery.

13th Amendment

in 1865 this Amendment to the Constitution outlawed slavery.

Emancipation Proclamation

a proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.


pertaining to a religious, racial, national or cultural group.

False Bottom Wagons

wagons with a wood covering that would act as a floor. Items would be piled on the false bottom and runaway slaves could hide in the space underneath. (View Photo)


a style of architecture popular from 1800-1850 emphasizing simplicity and symmetry.


to express strong objection.


an oversimplified conception, opinion or belief.

Underground Railroad

a secret network of cooperation aiding runaway slaves in reaching freedom in the free states or Canada.



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City of Richmond, Indiana

Did You Know?

Cambridge City, Indiana was once home to a wild west show, headed by Buckskin Ben Stalker.