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Societies, Clubs, and Organizations

Societies in the 1800's

Knights of Pythanis BandLodge of Free Masons, Acacia, No. 242, was organized under dispensation on January 29, 1859, and held its first meeting on February 15, 1859. Charter is dated May 25, 1859. Officers at the time of charter were, Rhodes W. Bunnell, W.M.; William McCaffert, S.W.; Hugh H. Keys, J. W.; Charles Evans, Treasurer; Daniel D. Rogers, Secretary; Walter Rogers, Sr. Deacon; Samuel Cook, Deacon.

Greens Fork Lodge No. 184, I.O.O.F., was instituted on February 25, 1857, with the following named persons as the first officers: James W. Scott, N.G.; Calvin Conner, V.G.; Thomas M. Kerr, Secretary; Joseph F. Reynolds, Treasurer. Last location of lodge was at 20 E. Pearl Street in Greens Fork.

Bellis Encampment, No. 71, I.O.O.F., was instituted on August 31, 1865. First officers were: George W. Ebersoll, C.P.; John Bean, H.P.; Joseph Ludlum, S.W.; George W. Davis, J.W.; Lorenzo D. Personett, Scribe; Adam Reinheimer, Treasurer.

Service Men’s Club - disbanded in the early 1990's.

Present Day Clubs and Organizations

Greens Fork AmVets BuildingAmvets - 110 East Pearl Street; Phone: 765.886.5756.

Clay Township Historical & Preservation Society - organized in May 1997 and meets on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

4-H (Clay Climbers) - Lead by Becky Cool and meetings are held on Monday evenings.

Greens Fork High School Alumni, Box 36

Greens Fork Community Center, 117 East Pearl Street; Phone: 765.886.9908

Greens Fork Rural League, 114 East Pearl Street; Phone: 765.886.5826.

Special thanks to Jayne Beers of the Clay Township Historical and Preservation Society for providing this information.


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Did You Know?

John Finley, Richmond, Indiana mayor from 1852 until his death in 1866, wrote the poem "The Hoosier's Nest", which is often cited as the first written reference to the word "Hoosier".