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WayNet Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2010


  • Rob Tidrow, President (Richmond Community Schools)

  • Jenie Lahmann, Vice President (Marketing & Creative Services)

  • Dudley Fetzer, Past-President (First Bank Richmond)

  • Gary Arndts (BlueRaptorppc.com)

  • Bill Pendley (Potter’s Wheel Bed & Breakfast)

  • Randy Baker (Richmond Power and Light)

  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)

  • Tim Love (Reid Hospital and Health Care Services)

  • Beth Fields (Wayne Co. Government)

  • Jane Holman Executive Director

Meeting Called to Order:

President Rob Tidrow called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Richmond Power and Light Board Room.

Rob thanked the Board Members for attending the Board Retreat. He feels we had outstanding discussions and feels we all got to know each other’s strengths that can be utilized by the Waynet Board. He also thanked Tim Love for arranging the food for the meeting and for the Members who helped plan the Retreat. He is looking forward to working together towards the projects we

Approval of the Minutes:

The meeting minutes were approved for the September 9, 2010 board meeting. Tim Love so moved. Beth Fields seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

New Business:

Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet was shared and discussed. Discussion occurred. Jenie Lahmann moved to approve the Balance Sheet. Randy Baker seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Review of Proposed 2011 Budget:
Rob Tidrow and Jane Holman outlined the layout of the budget and Jane Holman explained the balances. She pointed out that there would be several items temporarily removed from the budget including all marketing for Waynet. She is optimistic that we will encourage new memberships and recoup many of our current members. If more moneys are acquired through additional memberships, we can amend the budget at a Board Meeting and make budget exceptions as needed. Jane discussed the purchase of new software to work on the website development. She purchased DreamWeaver.

Fee Waiver Applications:

A fee waiver application was presented to the Board for discussion. Easter Seals balance sheet was reviewed. Rob Tidrow asked for a motion to accept the proposed fee waiver for Easter Seals. Tim Love so moved. Dudley Fetzer seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Not-for-Profit Membership Procedural Change
Jane requested that a procedural change be made to use Guide Star (online tool) to research not-for-profit potential members for 501c3 status. This would be used as confirmation of their status and only a membership application would need to be filled out for the not-for-profit membership level.

Discussion ensued. Richard Peterson made a motion to accept that Jane use Guide Star as an acceptable means to obtain confirmation of 501(c)(3) status. Dudley Fetzer seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Bill Pendley started a discussion regarding the Fee-waiver membership applications. After a Board discussion, Bill Pendley made a motion to require a Balance Sheet with the Fee-Waver application in addition – we should request that the not-for-profits would also attach a copy of their operating budget or income statement. The application could still be processed if only the Balance Sheet accompanied the application, at the board's discretion. Gary seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Executive Director’s Report (Click to see the report.)

Set 2010 meetings
Discussion of the meeting day took place. It was decided to keep the meeting schedule as it is currently but to add two meetings to the first quarter of 2011. We will meet every month on the 2nd Thursday of the month at noon at RP&L. At the April meeting we might set additional meeting to work on the Board Goals & Objectives. Rob Tidrow asked for a motion. Richard Peterson so moved. Gary Arndts seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

Letter from the Wayne County Commissioners
The Board tabled the use of the tagline “Waynet is the Official Website of Wayne County.” More ideas will be discussed at the January meeting. Thanks to Beth Fields that made the request for the decision from the Commissioners.

Review & Discuss Board Retreat
The Board would like to be more active in Waynet and offer their contributions to the Board. Each Board member filled out a sheet with their commitments to the Board for 2011. These were shared verbally with the group. Jane will compile a list and share it with the board in the future.

Jane’s work list for 2011
Jane is creating a work list and will ask the Board to review and help prioritize her work list for projects in the coming year.

Being no further business Rob Tidrow asked for a motion to adjourn. Richard Peterson so moved. Gary Arndts seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jenie Lahmann
November 11, 2010


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