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Waynet Board Meeting
April 10, 2001

Pam Frantz, Steve Reynolds, Jane Holman, Chris Hardie, Amy Spears, Bill Felker

Called to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 12:05 by Bill Felker.

Amy Spears was introduced as the newest board member. Amy represents the City of Richmond's Community Development office, and replaces Misty Dees Hollis following a restructuring of staff positions at the City.

The administrative board password on the WayNet site was reviewed, again.

Minutes from the previous board meeting were reviewed. Because the meeting lacked a quorum, no motion was made to approve them. There were no questions on the previous minutes.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business:
There were no fee waiver requests. Jane explained the process of fee waiver approvals.

The Executive Director's report was presented. There were no questions.

Bill noted that the board needed to appoint a Nominating Committee for the board positions that would soon be opening up. He asked Pam Frantz to head it, and she will work with others to nominate new board members. The
committee will also appoint the board officers.

Open Discussion:
The board discussed a community resource page on the site. It was decided that the possibilities depended largely on volunteers, and that the discussion would continue. There was a note that it would be good to put together a committee to discuss volunteers.

It was noted that it would be useful to have certain pages on the site available in multiple languages. The board discussed various methods for making this possible, including the use of third-party real-time translation services like Babelfish, and the use of local language students interested in practicing their skills.

The board brain stormed ideas for a "Top 10 Reasons to Join WayNet" list.  Several ideas were put forth, but they did not number ten. There was general discussion about the nature of WayNet and what made it attractive to various audiences. Other ideas were put forth about ways to attract new members and promote WayNet's mission and image in the community.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:52. 

Prepared by:
Chris Hardie for Thomas G. Kirk, Jr.

April 10, 2001

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