WayNet News
Volume 02, Issue 09-26

TechnoPop - The Secret History of Technology and Pop Music is a six-part series by NPR cultural correspondent Rick Karr. Part One, which aired on Sept. 20th, featured Gennett Records, Sam Meier, and the Starr-Gennett Foundation.

To listen, follow this link and click on "part one".  Real Audio Player required.

Also be sure to click on the "Part One - The Original Hardware Upgrade" as it features great local historical photos.

For a special treat, this link lets you hear Sam Meier explain the signigance of the Parrot in the Gennett logo.

The search engine, Google, just made available this week a new service called "Google News". Information is culled from approximately 4,000 news sources worldwide and automatically arranged to present the most relevant news first. This news service is highly unusual in that it is compiled solely by computer algorithms without human intervention.

WAYNET ANNUAL MEETING - Web Site Award Winners to be Announced!
WayNet's Annual Meeting has been set for 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2nd. It will be held in the Bard Room at Morrisson-Reeves Library, 80 North Sixth Street, Richmond.

Officers for the upcoming year will be elected and the winners of WayNet's 2002 Web Site Awards will be announced. The public is welcome and all WayNet members are encouraged to attend.

Ray Ontko and Nick Fankhauser, developers of the web service, Doxpop, will discuss the legal, political, financial, technical issues, and challenges experienced in developing a web service in Indiana.

Enjoy birthday cake as WayNet celebrates it's FIFTH birthday this year. WayNet began in 1997 with 12 members. We now have 144 members and receive over 35,000 visitors a month!

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